Monday, June 3, 2019

Foreign Policy Challenges for Donald Trump

Foreign Policy Challenges for Donald goDonald J. car horn, the 45th President of the United States of America has been handed down legion(predicate) formidable overseas policy challenges ranging from beas in the Middle East with pop out East Asia. cornet had even tweeted that THE WORK BEGINS on January 23, despite any of his poll foreign policy positions, at the time, yet to be filled (Trump). According to the White House website, Trump will implement an American first foreign policy focused on American interests and American national security (Spicer). The White House strategy will focus on peace through strength, do possible in check by chasing the highest level of military readiness (Spicer). Potential Challenges RussiaOne potential challenge posed to U.S. interest by theemerging foreign policy of the Trump administration is the issue of Russia. TheU.S.-Russian race is at its lowest point since the Cold War (Fishel).President Trump has verbalise a refinementr associati on with Russian President VladimirPutin would be an advantage to the United States (Fishel). But the majority ofhis administration has of importtained that Russia needs to be confronted for itsaggression, including for its appropriation of Crimea and military incursions intoEastern Ukraine, hacking during the 2016 presidential election, backing Syriandictator Bashar Assad, and Russias brutal aerial bombing campaign to assisthis efforts (Fishel). Unparalleled Russian hacking into the Democratic matterCommittee also enhances the colossal security threat posed to criticalcomponents of the U.S. disposal, infrastructure, defense technology, and manyother government operations that rely heavily on cyber technology (Fishel). Onthe White House Website, it was publicized that it will make it a priority todevelop defensive and offensive cyber capabilities at our U.S. Cyber Command,and recruit the best and brightest Americans to serve in this crucial area(Fishel). Russias military interve ntion in Syria has efficiently set up aproxy war with the U.S. and the rebel forces it backs. The U.S. has held Russia responsible for its subsequent breakdown of cease-fire negotiations and thedevastating siege ofAleppo, Syria (Fishel). Finally, Putins war inUkraine and illegal annexation ofCrimeahas sparked fears that hes seeking to reclaim Soviet-era borders and eventuallycould bait theNATOallianceinto a military conflict (Fishel). Trumpslatest remarks on Russia have so far confronted the conventional wisdom ofeither party and has drawn criticism from both sides. Trump hasnt convictedthe Russian hacks into the U.S. election process and has said he would belooking at the possibility of lifting sanctions against Russia tied to itsillegal military annexation of Crimea, which the U.S. government has refused toaccept (Fishel). He openly questioned the intelligence lodges calculationthat Russia hacked the DNC, compared them to Nazis and held them responsiblefor releasing false informa tion about his ties to Russia (Fishel). Rather thanstand against a potential issue of Soviet expansionism, critics say Trumpseems to be accepting it. He has labeled the north-central Atlantic Treaty Organization(NATO), considered thefirst line of defense against Russian expansionism, as obsolete, whilealso suggesting he may not honor the organizations most sacred covenant ofmutual defense (Fishel). In addition to reflexion the U.S. would profit from afriendlier association with Putin, Trump has also admired him on Twitter,calling him very smart for deciding not to react when PresidentObama kicked out Russian intelligence offers in retort to the election hack(Trump). northeast KoreaDuringthis past September, North Korea administered its biggest ever nuclear test, discharginga bomb that has been perceived to be able to yield to the equivalent of 10kilotons of TNT (Fishel). Making this the countrys second nuclear test thisyear and their fifth since 2006. Now more than than ever th e United States inextremely alarmed, that North Korea is more near to their goal ofminiaturizing a nuclear weapon that can be placed on long-range projectiles amove that could destabilize the region and the world (Fishel). Differing fromIran, the U.S has been unable to negotiate an agreement regarding nuclearissues (Fishel). Taking into account, that 3 of the five nuclear tests in NorthKorea have taken place under Kim Jong-uns rule, it is clear that the dictatoris fearless of the overpowering economic sanctions imposed by foreign nations(Fishel). crimson though Chinas foreign Ministry has reprimanded the North KoreanTests and urged international dialogue, recent tensions between the UnitedStates and China over the reciprocal ohm China ocean could congeal Chinese support fortaking a more aggressive approach to the North Korean regime (Fishel). Thispast January, after North Korea express that they were close to firing offnuclear weapons that could reach the United States, Donald Tr ump tweeted thatit wont happen, which could be interpreted as a possible single out for theTrump administration (Fishel). In May of 2017 Trump stated that we couldpotentially be open to the idea of allowing North Koreas neighbors, includingUnited States allies South Korea and Japan, to obtain their own nuclearresources. This is a move that would successfully nuclearize the entire regionand negate the cost as justification for stationing United States troops in theregion (Fishel). Trump at the same time has stated that We cannot afford tobe the military and the police for the world (Trump). What Trumps administration way for US InterestsThe TrumpAdministration will test the durability of some of Americas longstandingalliances but may create opportunities for new cooperation with others. Trump has expressed that he wanted to improve the UnitedStates relationship with Russia, more specifically he wants a closer relationshipwith Putin (Tucker). Improvement in the U.S.-Russia relations hip couldalleviate the risk of an escalation in tensions between Iran and the UnitedStates. Russia is hopeful for the Trump administration will be friendliertoward them and will weaken or even derogate sanctions that were previouslyimposed on them after the annexation of Crimea in 2014 (Tucker). Thesesanctions being lifted would allow for President Putin to pronounce himself awinner in the stand-off with the western powers before the presidentialelection in 2018 (Tucker). Authorities in Ukraine fear that more cordialrelationship between the U.S.-Russia will undermine U.S. support for their ameliorate process (Tucker). Since the Maidan revolution in 2014, the U.S has beena committed ally helping finance the new government guaranteeing itsinternational bonds and supporting the IMF program in Ukraine (Tucker). NorthKoreaprohibitedthe U.N. Security Councils declaration on its latest ballistic missile launchand claimed its tests are in self-defense (News). These tests made by NorthKore a have been unanimously condemned by the Security Council. They stated thatthese launches are a grave violation of international law (News). China, oneof North Koreas only allies, and main lifeline, also signed onto that statement(News). This enhances another level of ambiguity to the region that is stilltrying to get a read on the new capricious U.S. president. These newmissiles are more stable and allow for a less advanced warning (News). This achievementon part of North Korea is a on the hook(predicate) advancement toward the pursuit of anuclear weapon and is a big first test for President Trump (News). Obviously,North Korea is a big, big paradox and we will deal with that very stronglyTrump tweeted (Trump). China andthe United States have fundamentally different approaches to dealing with NorthKorea, said Tong Zhao, a peer at the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center in Beijing(News). China believes we have to gradually encourage North Korea toliberalize its economy to open up to the int ernational community (News). Ninety percent of North Koreas trade is with China,leading Western officials indict Beijing of upholding the neighboringdictatorship (News). ButChina said, Its doing its part by signing on to stringentU.N. sanctions (News). In March the UnitedStates and South Korea held their annual large-scale military drills, whichwas largely seen by North Korea as a direct threat to their security (News). NorthKorea has stated that this could seriously undermine peace and security in theregion (News). These drills could also potentially close the door on any potentialdirect engagement with the United States and push North Korea to test an evenlarger more powerful missile (News). But to reassure us all Trump tweets Ihave great confidence that China will properly deal with North Korea. If theyare unable to do so, the U.S with its allies will U.S.A. (Trump). Since Donald Trump has taken office, things have been less then dull, especially regarding his foreign policy. Sur e his order to suspend visas for citizens from cardinal Muslim-majority countries was explosive, however, it is not a central issue in U.S. foreign policy (Friedman). Deepening questions have been brought up in regards to Trumps foreign policy. And the satisfying question is if he actually has intentions of downgrading NATO, shift relations with Russia, confront China, and take a significant stand against Iran. A foreign policy is not made by hostile phones calls nor threatening tweets. Works CitedFishel,Justin. 7 Major Foreign Policy Challenges Facing President DonaldTrump.ABC News. ABC News Network, 23 Jan. 2017. Web. 11 Apr. 2017..Friedman,George. Trumps accomplished Foreign Policy.RealClearWorld. GeopoliticalFeatures, 9 Feb. 2017. Web. 17 Apr. 2017. .News,CBS. What North Korea Missile Launch Means for U.S.-ChinaRelations.CBS News.CBS Interactive, 14 Feb. 2017. Web. 17 Apr. 2017. .Schneider,Ondrej. The Trump Effect Global Implications of the Next U.S.President.The Trump Effect Global Implications of the Next U.S.President The Institute of International Finance. Institute ofInternational Finance, 8 Dec. 2016. Web. 14 Apr. 2017..Spicer,Sean. Remarks by President Trump in schema and Policy Forum.The White House. The UnitedStates Government, 03 Feb. 2017. Web. 11 Apr. 2017..Trump,Donald J. Donald J. Trump (realDonaldTrump).Twitter. Twitter, 09 Apr. 2017.Web. 12 Apr. 2017. .Tucker,Joshua. Heres How Trumps Election Will Affect U.S.-RussianRelations.The Washington Post. WP Company, 10 Nov. 2016. Web. 14Apr. 2017. .

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