Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Concept Comparison and Analysis Across Theories Essay

Concept Comparison and Analysis Across Theories - Essay ExampleSubsequently, the emphasis on the health concept has affected the nursing concept. However, the health concept remains the nursing theorys building block, with the aforementioned theories incorporating the concept of health as it is of major importance. This paper will deport discussion of comparison analysis of health metaparadigm in General Systems, Self-C are Theories and the Human Caring Theory and highlight the main concepts in the Human Caring Theory. discussion health Concept Definition in Kings General Systems Theory Health metaparadigm refers to ones dynamic experiences in life. When one optimally utilizes resources, he or she mass attain full potential for daily life, which enables one to cope continuously with stressors within internal and external environment. Health can also be viewed as ones capacity for social role functioning. According to Hanucharumkul (1989), Kings definition of health concept is eq uivocal. Health is viewed as how one is able to cope with growth and development stressors in internal and external environment, whereby ones cultural inclination and efforts to conform are functional. This viewpoint seems to support Orems fundamentals for universal self-care and development. Kings view of social functionality of health is congruent with Orems viewpoint, although clinical model is not incorporated in Kings model. ... According to Hartweg (1990), Orems general theory has proven useful in health promotion action by society. Health promotion concept focuses on illness. Orems concept of health promotion is correlated with concept of well-being and elevated wellness. The health promotion activity aims achieving high level of wellness for individuals, family, and community. The Self-Care Deficit Theory (SCDT) has been applicable in nursing context focusing on severe and chronic illnesses, such as rehabilitation, psychiatric and dialysis units. Health promotion concept en hances individuals ability for general decision-making. Health promotion is only valid after attainment of still health. Health promotion activity is conceptualized as an aspect of self-care activity. These activities must play integral role in life of an individual. Such activities might include corroboratory nutritional practices, establishing systems for social support, coping with stressors, and involvement in physical exercises. The activities help in articulation of individuals potential (Hartweg, 1990). Self-care encompasses responsibility for adults own health, well-being, and existence. Self-care is initiated in person and must form important component of ones lifestyle. Kings general conceptual framework echoes Orems pragmatic theory of self-care as deliberate practice. Health promotion behavior and practice of self-care tend to be congruent, with self-initiated self-care carried out with intention of attaining specific health targets. Orem attempts to distinguish health from well-being as two concepts that are related to state of humans. Orem defines health as condition

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